Valley Lutheran High School has been blessed to have many multi-sport athletes spend their high school years competing on the court and field for VL. Valley has made an emphasis to create healthy habits for students and develop multi-sport athletes. Eric Smith – VL Strength & Conditioning Coordinator, has spent a great amount of time creating and implementing a program to build up students for healthier living, with the added benefit of competing at a higher level in a variety of sports throughout the school year.

Eric Smith has said the following of the Strength & Conditioning Program at Valley Lutheran, “The mission of Valley Lutheran High School is ‘Preparing Students for Life with Christ as Our Foundation.’ The fitness/athletic department is accomplishing this mission by training students in the principles and habits that develop life-long fitness. While our main priority is to assist students with healthy living, we are also focused on providing exceptional benefits to our Charger athletes. We have made great strides in meeting these objectives by providing a well-rounded FITness Training Program. This program consists of functional training for everyday actions and specific sport skills, individual attention to personal fitness needs, and transferable exercises which make improvements in overall health and sport performance. Key Goals of “FIT Training” at Valley Lutheran are:

  • Creating an atmosphere promoting a “FIT for life” attitude (train for your life).
  • Helping students identify strengths, weaknesses, and set goals in personal fitness.
  • Creating healthy and powerful student athletes.

During key times of the year we are running tests on strength, quickness, endurance, and body composition. Within the first year, we have seen tremendous improvements in all of these areas and are anticipating seeing much more to come.”

Valley Lutheran High School is thankful to have Eric who is passionate about building and sustaining a program that provides high level benefits for all our students. Thank you Eric Smith for all you do for our students. If you would like to learn more about the athletic programs at Valley Lutheran and how we develop athletes, please contact VL Athletic Director – Tyler Yahn at