Over the years, the ministry of Valley Lutheran High School has been blessed in many ways.  But this is not an article about the blessings of a bygone era.  This is an article about the tangible impact of the support that continues to be given today.  This is a celebration of the ongoing belief in – and the continued support of – the mission of Valley Lutheran High School. This is a recognition of God’s faithfulness to His people and a thank you to those whose collective efforts make this school possible.

With each passing year, the role of philanthropic support within Christian schools becomes increasingly important as it makes the quality faith-based education possible in the lives of students and their families.

VLHS is undeniably blessed by this type of faithful support.  We hope you are able to see the blessings of this support. It becomes visible when:

  • students get the love, support, and education that enables them to discover God’s calling in their lives.
  • highly qualified and caring faculty are retained, trained, and equipped in their vocation.
  • student athletes are able to compete at the highest level possible while demonstrating sportsmanship and respect.
  • a family’s commitment and desire for their child to attend Valley is made possible by financial aid.
  • our facilities are able to be improved – and sometimes expanded – in order to provide the best learning environment possible for our students.

However, there is an extra blessing which is almost never seen by the general public. “I am frequently surprised – and blessed – by the thoughtful notes supporters take the time to write when they send in gifts,” shares Kyle DeWees, Director of Advancement. “Sometimes there is a prayer. Sometimes it is a word of encouragement that lands at just the right time. Sometimes it’s even a devotional thought. They are really a blessing in their own right.” Regardless of the message that is shared, there is always a consistent thread: God’s goodness and grace is declared. It is yet another example of the ways VLHS is blessed and a reminder of the true foundation of this school.

It seems appropriate to close this article by sharing two of the salutations from notes that accompanied recent gifts.  May you remain “In His Grip & By His Grace.”  “Blessings always.”


If you would like to learn more about how you can support the mission and ministry of Valley Lutheran High School, please do not hesitate to contact Kyle DeWees, Director of Advancement, at 989.971.4447 or kdewees@