Every year Valley Lutheran students meet graduation requirements and receive a diploma from Valley Lutheran. But a Valley Lutheran education is so much more than just meeting graduation requirements.
Some years Valley Lutheran has staff or teaching positions to fill and administrators carry out the process to fill those positions. But staffing Valley Lutheran is so much more than just filling positions.
During this year in particular it was abundantly clear that God’s hand was working through and among the people that He called, encouraged, and led to join us in new roles at Valley. As people answered the call their stories joined with our story. A taste of these stories is below.
Pastor Paul Biber: Math Teacher
Who knew Pastor Biber of Good Shepherd, Saginaw has a bachelor and masters degree in math from USC? Knowing that Valley needed a part-time math teacher, and with the blessing of his congregation, he answered the call.
Amy Cooper: Director of Communications & Admissions
As Valley identified the need for a position to oversee all VL communication efforts, Mrs. Cooper’s interest, skill set, and willingness to expand her role in Admissions was a great fit.
Tasha Mulder: Athletic Trainer, Teacher
When Valley announced the addition of an Athletic Trainer position, health teacher Mrs. Mulder jumped at the opportunity. With years of previous experience in the role, she provides leadership in this new area for Valley.
Karl Seidel: Food Service Coordinator
Mr. Seidel had recently retired from many years in food service and was looking for a meaningful way to serve. At the same time, Valley was looking for a new Food Service Coordinator for the first time in 25 years.
Eric Smith: Strength & Conditioning Coordinator, Teacher
Excited about Valley’s new position, former AD Mr. Smith stepped down in order to pursue his passion (and masters’ focus!) in coordinating our students’ training. He also teaches Fitness for Life and freshman theology.
David Wollenweber: Math Teacher
Valley parent Mr. Wollenweber heard of Valley’s need for a math teacher. With prior teaching experience in math and a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from the University of Illinois, he stepped up to serve.
Tyler Yahn: Athletic Director, Communications Assistant
With years of experience in both athletics and most recently the business sector, Mr. Yahn was looking to return to the world of athletics. To do so in a place that aligns with his faith and values was a blessing.
As the stories of each of these individuals collide with the story of Valley Lutheran and of our other faculty and staff members, we see God’s hand clearly at work providing for us and equipping us to do His work in this place. The work of fulfilling His mission and ours – preparing students for life with Christ as our foundation.