Above: Key Club members pose with boxes packed for a local homeless shelter.
A couple days ago, Valley published a story entitled, “We are the Hands of Jesus” in which we highlighted the origins of Valley’s Global Awareness Club (GAC). If you didn’t read the article, the quick summary is that the GAC was founded with the intention to share the love of Jesus through their service to others in both a local and global setting.But Valley students are not only the hands of Jesus. They are His feet, too.They are continually nurturing their faith as they attend daily chapel and through assignments and discussions in their daily classes. It’s through this nurturing that Valley students generously give of their time, talents, and abilities as they serve those around them.
In Matthew, Jesus says, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me. … ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” (Matt. 25:35-36, 40; ESV).
In the recent month, Valley student clubs humbly participated in projects helping those in need. The clubs did not ask for recognition, and, in fact, the clubs likely do not know we’re highlighting them here.
– Valley’s Protect Life Club is a student led club that promotes respect for life from the moment of conception to a natural death. In November, Protect Life organized and sponsored a diaper drive, matching donations from students with donations from the club’s funds. Protect Life delivered a total of 1,400 diapers and 2,000 wipes to Beacon of Hope in Saginaw.
– Valley’s French Club sponsors a child, Moussa, through Compassion International. Moussa is 17 years old and the French Club has been sponsoring him for just under a year. A monthly sponsorship fee is sent to Compassion International, as well as extra money for gifts at his birthday and at Christmas. The club has been selling fresh crepes once a week to support their sponsorship.
– Valley’s Key Club participated in a local project that provides toiletries, gloves, hats, and other basics to local men and women in need. Key Club sponsored 76 boxes that were donated to a local homeless shelter. Key Club members collected monetary donations and shopped together for items. Boxes were packed and wrapped after a personal note was placed in each box.
– Valley’s Global Awareness Club organized a packing party for Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse. Students worked together to pack 215 shoeboxes!
These snippets highlight a few of the ways students live out their faith, a variety of ways in which they act as the hands and feet of Jesus, serving those near and far in love.
Valley Lutheran is proud to be a high school where students can explore and develop their passion(s). From National Honor Society to Environment Club, French Club to Protect Life Club, students have a wide-variety of extra-curricular opportunities that help shape them into well-rounded high school graduates!