Pictured: (back) Bess Winter, Ben Cooper, Doug Guenther, Heath Vincent; (front) Jeanette Weilnau, Jessica Schwarz, Jen Blake
Valley teachers regularly look for ways to grow, always with their students in mind. Thanks to Title II funds, these Valley Lutheran teachers attended conferences in March. Their takeaways (included here) are unique and valuable, and serve as examples of their student and learning focus.
In addition to attending the Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning Conference, Mrs. Blake was also selected to present, on the topic of video editing.
Modern Reading Association Conference
Miss Weilnau – I learned a lot about digital composition and new tech tools to make that more accessible to students. I also got to attend an author talk by Angeline Boulley (The Firekeeper’s Daughter). That was super cool!
Mrs. Winter – I appreciated learning new technology and critical thinking exercises that can help developing writers.
Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference
Mr. Cooper – I appreciated connecting with science educators who use the same research based teaching methods I do and learning of their proven effectiveness.
Mr. Guenther – I worked with hands-on labs that will be used in upper level science classes next year. I got great feedback and ideas from others.
Mrs. Schwarz – I really appreciate hearing from educators about what they are doing in their classroom and getting new ideas to teach various topics.
Mr. Vincent – A takeaway for me was learning about many organizations and groups that support science programs and getting helpful hints for grant writing to secure funding for science activities.
Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Conference
Mrs. Blake – I presented “Lights, Camera, Edit! Easy ways to edit videos in your classroom.” where I provided platforms and techniques for quick editing and facilitated group sharing and answering of questions.
Mr. Cooper – I explored ways educators can harness the power of AI as a creative tool to help students further their learning.