Teachers & Staff

The faculty at Valley Lutheran is noted for both its care and quality.

Our Teachers

The faculty at Valley Lutheran is noted for both its care and quality. They have unequaled passion and dedication, and their love for learning, for students, and for Christ shines bright. All teachers hold certificates from the State of Michigan and over ninety percent hold advanced graduate degrees.

Both our faculty and staff are listed below in alphabetical order.

Caleb Abraham

Math Teacher

Bill Ankoviak

Business Manager

Caleb Auernhamer

Buildings & Grounds Coordinator

Nate Awad

Varsity Wrestling Coach

Heidi Behnke

Advancement Associate

Mackenzie Bernreuter

Social Studies Teacher

Kelsey Clark

Varsity Women’s Basketball Coach

Billy Cmeyla

Dean of Students, Theology Teacher

Amy Cooper

Director of Communications & Admissions

Ben Cooper

Life Sciences Teacher, Trap Coach

Melissa Cruz

Math Teacher

Debra Davis

Student Support Services Aide; International Student Coordinator

Kyle DeWees

Director of Advancement

Barb Doyle

Math Department Chair

Nate Englehardt

Varsity Men’s Bowling Coach

Scott Englehardt

Building and Grounds

Paul Eschmann

Technology Director; Director of Choirs

Jon Frank

Varsity Volleyball Coach

Doug Guenther

Life Sciences Teacher; Theology Teacher; Varsity Soccer Coach

April Henry

Kurt Hofmeister

Varsity Baseball Coach

Al Kaul

Trisha Kelsey

Attendance Secretary

Natalie Keup

Student Support Services Coordinator

Marissa Lacy

Poms Coach

Elise Leapley

English Teacher

Lisa Meyers

Academic Dean

Cathy Miller

Academic Secretary

John Mueller

Varsity Men’s Basketball Coach, Varsity Men’s Golf Coach

Lindsay Mueller

School Counselor; Director of Instrumental Music, Varsity Womens Golf Coach

Tasha Mulder

Athletic Trainer, Health Teacher

Beth Prochnow

Admissions Associate

Paul Reid

Varsity Football Coach

Laurie Ross

Varsity Track Coach

Josh Samsell

Theology Teacher

Jessica Schwarz

Chemistry Teacher, Varsity Track Coach

Karl Seidel

Food Service Coordinator

Rachel Sievert

Physics & Physical Science Teacher

Eric Smith

Theology Teacher; Health Teacher; Strength & Conditioning Coordinator

Pastor Michael Stahl

Theology Chair

Karla Stahlecker

Kevin Streeter

Technology Teacher

Rebecca Sugden

Math Teacher; Band Director

Cris Urbytes

French Teacher

Andra Warren

After School RC Aide

Jeanette Weilnau

English Teacher, Psychology Teacher

Patrick Winningham

Social Studies Teacher

Bess Winter

English Teacher

Tyler Yahn

Athletic Director, Communications Assistant