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Preparing Students For Life With Christ As Our Foundation!

Launching graduates ready to serve, initiate, create, and share.

Being a teenager these days is hard.  And parenting in today’s world isn’t easy.  Life is complex and answers aren’t always clear.

We can help. With years of experience working with teenagers, we understand teens and we understand your challenges. Since 1977 we’ve been partnering with families and students, developing the attitudes, mindsets, and skills to enable young adults to take on today’s world with confidence and conviction. A Valley Lutheran education is more than just a diploma. It’s about equipping students with skills and tools for their future. These are crucial years. We look forward to joining you on the journey.


Our Mission Statement

The mission of Valley Lutheran is: Preparing students for life, with Christ as our foundation!

Valley Lutheran by the Numbers

Highlights of the Valley Lutheran experience: A low student-teacher ratio that leads to being known and mentored individually. Numerous extra-curricular activities for students to explore interests and passions. Daily chapel to build a firm foundation of faith that lasts. And an educational program that prepares students for their futures, and provides a measurable return on investment in the form of scholarship money for the next step. This is Valley Lutheran.


Student-Teacher Ratio

$0 Million

In accepted scholarships since 2000


Chapel Services Each Year


Teams and Clubs

Student Life

Student life at Valley Lutheran is built on community and is full of opportunities to discover, identify, and grow individual gifts and talents, and practice valuable leadership skills.


Through Charger Athletics, your student can explore their personal wellness and learn collaboration and leadership in a team setting.


With so many unique VL clubs, your student is sure to find a place where they belong.

Faith & Service

Fostering faith daily and regularly serving in the school and community.

Fine Arts

Let them express themselves and their faith creativity through music, drama, and the visual arts.

Latest News

Check back regularly to learn the latest from Valley Lutheran.

Feb 09 2025

Rodammer Named MHSAA Scholar Athlete

Senior Wheatley Rodammer was recently selected by the Michigan High School Athletic Association as one of a select thirty-two statewide winners in the MHSAA/Farm Bureau...
Feb 02 2025

A Legacy of Faith, Leadership, and Victory: Coach Kurt Hofmeister’s 300th Win

Read about Coach Hofmeister’s lasting legacy and impact through his coaching career.

Dec 18 2024

VL Academics: Intentional Growth and Strategic Planning

Over the past four years Valley Lutheran has engaged in a number of intentional steps that show its continued commitment to excellence and forward thinking.

Nov 20 2024

VL Fall Athletes Recognized

Congratulations to these spring athletes, recognized at the Conference, District, Regional, and State level!

Nov 01 2024

From Field to Meadow Habitat: The Transition Begins!

Through partnerships with U.S. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Chippewa Nature Center, and Pheasants Forever, Valley Chargers are restoring habitat and reimagining outdoor...
Oct 20 2024

National Honor Society Inducts New Members

Congratulations to our new NHS members!

Oct 01 2024

Homecoming: VL Style

Thanks for a great Homecoming, Valley Lu!

Sep 30 2024

A Reflection on Constitution Day

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen as His heritage!” (Psalm 33:12, ESV)

Sep 06 2024

2024 Homecoming Court Announced!

Congratulations to the members of this year’s Homecoming Court!

Aug 28 2024

Summer Mission Teams at Work!

Students served in Baja, Mexico and Quevert, France this summer. Read more about their experiences!

Student Calendar

All public events are listed on the calendar below. For internal events including dances, parent events, and more please view the calendar on your parent or student portal account. You can access your portal below.

Academic Excellence

Every learner is unique. Our diverse academic programs meet each student with a personalized path and guide them to success.


Triple Accreditation

Our programs are fully accredited and approved by three different independent accrediting agencies.


The Best Educators

Our teachers are experts in their fields, holding advanced degrees and regularly attending professional development. But more importantly, they are passionate about learning and leading their students to success.


Diverse Programs

Students have a customized educational experience as they engage in classes that appeal to their interests. Alongside all required content, additional offerings in languages, music, the arts, literature seminars, and multiple advanced courses, provide every student with a unique path.


College Prep

Students who are ready to experience college-level education find it in Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment offerings. Your student can graduate from Valley Lutheran with a college transcript already begun!


Career Prep

Our certified school counselor works with students individually to plan and prepare for their future careers. Partnerships with local career & technical education centers provide interested students with additional direct hands-on training.


Student Support Services Program

For those students needing extra assistance through their high school years, our Student Support Services program is here to help. Examples of possible support include helping with organizational skills, tutoring, coordinating communications between school and home, and administering test accommodations.


Athletics is an extension of student life at Valley Lutheran. Students grow in their athletic skills under passionate and capable coaches, receive the highest level of athletic performance training, and participate in competitive programs. They compete to the best of their God-given abilities across 19 Varsity sports programs. Consider joining one of our many athletic programs.

Ministry Made Possible Through Generosity

The generosity of many – individuals, families, churches, businesses, alumni and others – makes the ministry of VLHS possible.

A gift to Valley Lutheran High School is an investment into our students, helping provide the best possible Christian education for their benefit.

Annual Fund

Providing student scholarships, a measure of academic excellence, and continued financial stability.



The VL Foundation

Strengthening our school for today’s students and tomorrow’s opportunities.




Serving together strengthens the VL community: the Booster Club, Parent Organization, special event committees, fine art programs, and athletic events provide a tangible opportunity to serve and support the school.

Become a Charger

The absolute best way to learn more about Valley is to experience us firsthand! We invite you to schedule a visit today!